
StoreCat and GoldFish collaborate to Automate Price Comparisons

Jun 25, 2020 · 1 min read
StoreCat and GoldFish collaborate to Automate Price Comparisons
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For E-Commerce businesses, staying competitive is everything. This can often mean constantly checking competitor sites for new offering or regular inventory counts and pricing updates.

Visit StoreCat for automatic E-Commerce management!

StoreCat is an Automated WebStore Manager

We now have Siri to take notes, Alexa to help us shop, and RoboAdvisors when we invest. StoreCat is the tool that makes managing your E-Commerce operations a piece of cake. With this focus on market visibility, GoldFish is a natural fit.

Whenever you use StoreCat to track competitors or supply availability, GoldFish makes it possible to quickly check and review new information.

Scraping price data</a> Storecat uses GoldFish scrapers to configure daily scans of competitor websites, and tracking changes. Whenever a change is detected, we generate an event, and StoreCat is able to update pricing information to keep your web store competitive.

Industries that already use web scraping

We're not the first to think of this. In fact, the airline industry has long been built on online data streams. Because of the complexity of airline ticket sales, it's next to impossible for actual human beings to price flights. As a result, the industry uses complex networks of web scrapers, bot nets, and proxy systems to keep tabs on online marketplaces and adjust flight pricing in real time.

What's next?

While the travel industry has adopted web scraping as a means of intelligence gathering, we believe it can go much further. As more and more customers move online, the businesses have followed. In the age of Amazon, it's more important than ever to ensure your offerring is as competitive as possible, and that's where we can help. To configure a StoreCat instance, contact
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