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The connect method is the only way to obtain the necessary permissions required to use Finnie for signing transactions. This function will return a promise, allowing you to await the result of connect approval. A popup will appear, allowing you to either accept or reject the request. You can also select a specific wallet address to connect to. If the request is approved, the returned promise will be resolved with the PublicKey of the connected wallet; otherwise, the returned promise will be rejected.

window.k2.connect(): Promise<PublicKey>
try {
const connectedPublickey = await window.k2.connect();
} catch (error) {
// request rejected
console.error(error); // { code: 4001, message: 'User rejected the request.' }


The disconnect method removes all default address permissions for the current page; once disconnected, the page will no longer be able to request transaction signing.

window.k2.disconnect(): Promise<void>
await window.k2.disconnect();
console.log(window.k2.publicKey); // null
console.log(window.k2.isConnected); // false


To sign and send a transaction with Finnie, you can use the signAndSendTransaction() method. First, create a transaction using the Transaction object imported from the @_koii/web3.js package.

Once you have a transaction-ready, you can sign it using a keypair and send it to the network by calling the signAndSendTransaction() method. If the transaction is successfully signed and sent, the method will resolve the returned promise with the signature. This allows you to inspect the transaction using K2 Explorer. However, if there are any issues during the signing or sending process, the promise will be rejected.

import { Transaction, Keypair } from '@_koii/web3.js'

type Signature = String

window.k2.signAndSendTransaction(transaction: Transaction, signers: Keypair[]): Promise<Signature>
const transaction = new Transaction();
const signer = []
const connection = new Connection("");
transaction.recentBlockhash = (await connection.getRecentBlockhash()).blockhash;
transaction.feePayer = connectedPublickey;
try {
const signature = await window.k2.signAndSendTransaction(transaction, [
} catch (error) {
// request rejected or no permissions
console.error(error); // { code: 4001, message: 'User rejected the request' }


Finnie will sign your arbitrary string message. The signature will be verified before being sent to the page.

interface SignMessageResult {
signature: U8intArray,
publicKey: PublicKey

window.k2.signMessage(message: String): Promise<SignMessageResult>
const message = "example message";

try {
const result = await window.k2.signMessage(message);
} catch (error) {
// rejected request or no permissions