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Working with Durable Transaction Nonces

A typical Koii transaction must be signed and accepted quickly due to the short lifespan of the recent_blockhash. Durable transaction nonces are a solution to this issue.

Creating a Nonce Account

Creating durable transactions nonces requires an account to store the next nonce value. Accounts must be rent-exempt.

The durable transaction nonce feature uses an account to store the next nonce value. Durable nonce accounts must be rent-exempt, so need to carry the minimum balance to achieve this.

Create None Account Command

koii-keygen new -o nonce-keypair.json
koii create-nonce-account nonce-keypair.json 1

Create Nonce Account Output


Delegate Nonce Authority

If you need a more complex ownership arrangement or derived account addresses not associated with a keypair, you have the option to assign authority of a nonce account to another account. The new authority will gain full control over the account, including the account creator. Set the --nonce-authority <AUTHORITY_KEYPAIR> argument to specify the new owner. The following commands support this argument:

  • create-nonce-account
  • new-nonce
  • withdraw-from-nonce-account
  • authorize-nonce-account

Alternatively, you can use koii authorize-nonce-account.

Delegate Authority Command

koii authorize-nonce-account nonce-keypair.json nonce-authority.json

Delegate Authority Output


Getting and Using a Stored Nonce Value

When you want to create a transaction with a durable nonce, you simply pass the --blockhash <STORED_NONCE> argument during signing and submission. You can retrieve the current nonce value with the koii nonce command.

Retrieving Stored Nonce Command

koii nonce nonce-keypair.json

Retrieving Stored Nonce Output

Generating a New Stored Nonce Value

You will not typically need to do so, but you can generate a new nonce using:

koii new-nonce nonce-keypair.json

Viewing a Nonce Account

If you want a summary of your nonce account, you can use koii nonce-account.

Viewing Account Command

koii nonce-account nonce-keypair.json

Viewing Account Output

balance: 1.75 KOII
minimum balance required: 0.0089088 KOII
nonce: 8GRipryfxcsxN8mAGjy8zbFo9ezaUsh47TsPzmZbuytU

Withdraw Funds from a Nonce Account

If you need to withdraw funds from your nonce account, use koii withdraw-from-nonce-account.

Closing a Nonce Account

You can close a nonce account by simply withdrawing the whole balance.

Withdrawal Command

koii withdraw-from-nonce-account nonce-keypair.json ~/.config/koii/id.json 1

Withdrawal Output


Other Subcommands

The commands pay, delegate-stake, and deactivate-stake all support durable nonces using the --nonce and --nonce-authority arguments.