📄️ Jest
We provide a testing suite that makes task development very seamless and straightforward. We chose to use Jest in order to provide all the required task development resources in a consistent and isolated environment.
📄️ Jest Configuration
Depending on the types of tasks you are developing, you may require custom configuration of your jest testing file.
📄️ Unit tests
unitTest.js helps you to test your task steps separately.
📄️ Testing in the Node
Congratulations on completing the basic Jest tests and unit tests! This shows that your task is functioning correctly. Next, you will learn how to use our custom-designed Easy Testing v0.1 to simulate how your task operates on other users' Koii Nodes.
📄️ Simulating a Round
The following sections detail the use of Koii's Task Development Kit, which provides key components that will make it much easier to get started.
📄️ Testing with Docker
This guide is specifically tested for Linux-based systems and the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS subsystem on WSL2 for Windows.