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Test with Docker

This guide is specifically tested for Linux-based systems and the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS subsystem on WSL2 for Windows.


  • Docker is installed.
  • Your Koii Node is currently turned off.


For Linux Users

  1. Install Koii CLI: Ensure you're installing the latest version of the Koii CLI with this command:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Modify environment variables as necessary to fit your system's requirements.

  1. Verify Installation: Check the installed version:
koii --version

Output should show something similar to:

koii-cli 1.16.1 (src:devbuild; feat:2325450753)`
  1. Run Local Validator: Start your local validator with:

Expect outputs similar to:

$ koii-test-validator
--faucet-sol argument ignored, ledger already exists
Ledger location: test-ledger
Log: test-ledger/validator.log
⠓ Initializing...
Identity: C6b81CysrtrvkTkBKyaP2K9bzvvGYhHy2kA4Rmu5mKAu
Genesis Hash: 6xk3ZJ3gcasDjmKDusSrtNg4vCnLfoF6dioHXmHsPJrs
Version: 1.16.1
Shred Version: 37129
Gossip Address:
TPU Address:
⠤ 00:00:06 | Processed Slot: 116529 | Confirmed Slot: 116529 | Finalized Slot: 116496 | Full Snapshot Slot: 116405 | Inc

Keep this process running.

For Windows Users (Using Ubuntu WSL):

Replicate the above steps in your Ubuntu WSL subsystem. All further operations will be done outside WSL.


  1. Configure Koii CLI: Switch your Koii CLI to localhost:
koii config set --url localhost
koii config get

Verify the settings:

Config File: C:\Users\liang\.config\koii\cli\config.yml
RPC URL: http://localhost:8899
WebSocket URL: ws://localhost:8900/ (computed)
Keypair Path: ~/.config/koii/id.json
Commitment: confirmed
  1. Airdrop Coins: Credit your wallet with tokens by running:
koii airdrop 100000
  1. Create a Local Repository: Use the Create-task-cli and select the first option to set up a new local repository. You can find details here.

  2. Setup Docker: Modify the docker-compose.yaml to match your actual wallet address. Example:

  1. Package Files:
yarn webpack
  1. Deploy a new task:
npx @_koii/create-task-cli@latest

Follow the instructions to deploy a new task using your local validator. Please copy below CID for future renaming.

CID of executable bafybeidumnguxqqcvgxm7fm46vkdeoqec7sxa46gljvsqobrhycsdnowhe
  1. Setup Environment File: Rename .env.local.example to .env.local. Modify the K2_NODE_URL depending on your system:

    • Linux:
    • Windows: http://host.docker.internal:8899

    Add the generated task ID to TASKS=, and populate all necessary environment variables for your task.

  2. Rename the dist/main.js file to <CID>.js

  3. Run Docker:

docker compose up

Successful execution should log outputs similar to:

task_node  | SUBMISSION Hello, World!
task_node | ******/ IN SUBMISSION /******
task_node | 113141 inside checkSubmissionAndUpdateRound
task_node | Submitting to chain: Hello, World! 6


task_node  | FetchError: request to failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED
task_node | at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/app/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js:1505:11)
task_node | at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:517:28)
task_node | at Socket.socketErrorListener (node:_http_client:501:9)
task_node | at Socket.emit (node:events:517:28)
task_node | at emitErrorNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:151:8)
task_node | at emitErrorCloseNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:116:3)
task_node | at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21) {
task_node | type: 'system',
task_node | errno: 'ECONNREFUSED',
task_node | code: 'ECONNREFUSED'
task_node | }
Error fetching from []( Error: Request timed out

Answer: Please switch to the address that recommended for your current system.

  1. Transaction Simulation Failed Error
task_node  | Transaction simulation failed: Attempt to debit an account but found no record of a prior credit.
task_node |
task_node | /app/node_modules/@_koii/web3.js/lib/index.cjs.js:6914
task_node | throw new SendTransactionError('failed to send transaction: ' + res.error.message, logs);
task_node | ^
task_node |
task_node | at async Connection.sendTransaction (/app/node_modules/@_koii/web3.js/lib/index.cjs.js:6863:12)
task_node | at async sendAndConfirmTransaction (/app/node_modules/@_koii/web3.js/lib/index.cjs.js:4052:21) {
task_node | logs: []
task_node | }
task_node |
task_node | Node.js v18.20.2
task_node | error Command failed with exit code 1.
task_node | info Visit for documentation about this command.
task_node exited with code 1

Answer: Please check the whether the wallet folder has correctly projected to docker. For example. for Windows, if you use Koii CLI to create a wallet, it is default inside C:\Users\<USERNAME>\~\.config\koii\id.json, but the docker compose file would default reference C:\Users\<USERNAME>\.config\koii\id.json. Therefore, you should copy your original id.json file that contains your airdrop tokens to your docker referenced id.json.

  1. IPFS Error
Error fetching from Error: Request timed out

Please check your internet connection and try again later.