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Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

This section provides guidelines for integrating create-task-cli into your CI/CD pipeline, ensuring seamless task creation, funding, and management.

  • Koii Operations
export { FundTask, establishConnection, checkProgram, createTask, updateTask, SetActive, FundTaskFromMiddleAccount, Withdraw, ClaimReward, establishPayer }; 
  • KPL Operations
export { KPLFundTask, KPLEstablishPayer, KPLEstablishConnection, KPLCheckProgram, KPLCreateTask, KPLClaimReward, KPLSetActive, KPLWithdraw, KPLUpdateTask }; 

Environment Set up

Env Variables

Through CI/CD, you will need to use your wallet keypair as your environment variables. It is essential for you to ensure that your Keypair is safe.

Initialize Create-Task-CLI

If you want to make Koii Task Related operations, you need to use

await establishConnection(connection);
await checkProgram();

If you want to make KPL Task Related operations, you need to use

await KPLEstablishConnection(connection);
await KPLCheckProgram();

Operation Inputs

Koii Task Functions

Function NameInput Parameters
establishPayerpayerWallet: Keypair
createTaskpayerWallet: Keypair, task_name: string, task_audit_program: string, total_bounty_amount: number, bounty_amount_per_round: number, space: number, task_description: string, task_executable_network: string, round_time: number, audit_window: number, submission_window: number, minimum_stake_amount: number, task_metadata: string, local_vars: string, koii_vars: string, allowed_failed_distributions: number
updateTaskpayerWallet: Keypair, task_name: string, task_audit_program: string, bounty_amount_per_round: number, space: number, task_description: string, task_executable_network: string, round_time: number, audit_window: number, submission_window: number, minimum_stake_amount: number, task_metadata: string, local_vars: string, allowed_failed_distributions: number, taskAccountInfoPubKey: PublicKey, statePotAccountPubKey: PublicKey
SetActivepayerWallet: Keypair, taskStateInfoAddress: PublicKey, setActive: boolean
ClaimRewardpayerWallet: Keypair, taskStateInfoAddress: PublicKey, stakePotAccount: PublicKey, beneficiaryAccount: PublicKey, claimerKeypairPath: string
FundTaskpayerWallet: Keypair, taskStateInfoAddress: PublicKey, stakePotAccount: PublicKey, amount: number
FundTaskFromMiddleAccountpayerWallet: Keypair, taskStateInfoAddress: PublicKey, stakePotAccount: PublicKey, amount: number, funderKeypair: Keypair
WithdrawpayerWallet: Keypair, taskStateInfoAddress: PublicKey, submitterKeypair: Keypair

KPL Task Functions

Coming Soon...


With ChatOps, you can make calls to task operations within other communication software. Here we use Slack as an example.

Below is an example main.js file for ChatOps Funding.

const { FundTask } = require('@_koii/create-task-cli');
const { establishConnection, checkProgram } = require('@_koii/create-task-cli');
const { PublicKey, Connection, Keypair } = require('@_koii/web3.js');

async function main() {
// Retrieve input from environment variable
const chat_input = process.env.CHAT_INPUT;

// Split the input into parts to extract TASK_ID and AMOUNT
let parts = chat_input.split(' ');
let TASK_ID = parts[0].trim();
let AMOUNT = parts[1].trim();

// Log the task funding initiation details
console.log("Start Funding:");
console.log("Funding task with Id: ", TASK_ID);
console.log("Funding amount: ", AMOUNT);

// Convert the funder's keypair from environment variable into Keypair object
const payerKeypairString = process.env.funder_keypair;
const payerKeypairArray = JSON.parse(payerKeypairString); // Parse JSON string to array
const payerWallet = Uint8Array.from(payerKeypairArray); // Convert array to Uint8Array
const payerKeypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(payerWallet); // Create Keypair from secret key

// Create PublicKey object for the task using TASK_ID
const taskStateInfoAddress = new PublicKey(TASK_ID);

// Establish connection to the Solana network (Koii testnet in this case)
const connection = new Connection("", 'confirmed');

// Retrieve account information for the task
const accountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo(
new PublicKey(taskStateInfoAddress)

// Validate if the task exists
if (accountInfo == null) {
console.error("No task found with this Id");

// Parse task state information from account data
const rawData = + "";
const state = JSON.parse(rawData);

// Extract the stake pot account address from the task state
const stakePotAccount = new PublicKey(state.stake_pot_account);

// Convert the funding amount to an integer
const amount = parseInt(AMOUNT);

// Establish a connection with the Solana network through the create-task-cli package
await establishConnection(connection);

// Check if the Solana program is deployed and accessible
await checkProgram();

// Perform the funding action for the task
await FundTask(payerKeypair, taskStateInfoAddress, stakePotAccount, amount);

// Log success message upon successful funding

// Invoke the main function to execute the funding process

And prepare a gitlab CI/CD file here.

- fund

image: node:latest

- node_modules/

stage: fund
- yarn install
- yarn build
- node main.js
- ./funder-keypair-*.json
when: always

Then you can use the following command in Slack to trigger the funding.

/gitlab <group name/repo name>  run build <Task ID> <Amount>