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Within our template, we are making use of adapters.

We are extending the adapter class to interact with Twitter, but you can extend it to interact with any website you want.

Let's take a look at our adapters/twitter.js file.


We are making use of a database model, Puppeteer for web scraping, Cheerio for DOM parsing, crypto for potential cryptography tasks.

Session Management

checkSession Method:

  • If a session is valid, it directly returns true.
  • If a session is no longer valid and the last session check was more than 1 minute ago, a new session is negotiated.

negotiateSession Method:

  • Resolves the path to the Chromium executable.
  • Launches a new browser instance.
  • Opens a new page.
  • Sets the viewport size.
  • Then queues the twitterLogin() method to log into - Twitter.

twitterLogin Method:

  • Navigate to Twitter's main page and then to the login page.
  • Fill in the username and password and press 'Enter' to attempt logging in.
  • Includes logic to handle verification.
  • After a successful login, it sets the session to valid.

Data Handling

getSubmissionCID Method:

  • Returns the CID (Content Identifier) of a submission for a given round. If the submission hasn't been uploaded yet, it uploads the submission and then returns the CID.

parseItem Method:

  • This method is for scraping data from a Twitter post. It waits for the page to load, extracts data such as tweet text, username, likes, shares, etc., using Cheerio, and then returns the extracted data.

Extracting Logic

Extract Method:

  • Initializes a list of URLs to extract. For each URL, it parses the item at the URL and extracts relevant data. If recursive querying is allowed, it fetches more links from each link.

fetchList Method:

  • This method is tasked with visiting a given URL, waiting for its content to fully load, scraping it, and then returning an array of links found on the page.

stop Method:

  • This method sets the break variable to true, stopping the extraction.


The final portion of our file contains utility functions:


  • Converts an object to a File with a specified name.


The Twitter class in the code provides a framework for extracting Twitter using Puppeteer. It manages sessions (logging in to Twitter), extracts data from tweets, manages the extracting queue, and can store the extracted data on decentralized storage.

You can use it as a starting point to develop your own Twitter extractor to your own needs, or as a reference to develop a extractor for a different website.