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programSubscribe RPC Method

Subscribe to a program to receive notifications when the lamports or data for an account owned by the given program changes


string required Pubkey of the program_id, as base-58 encoded string

object optional Configuration object containing the following fields:

  • filters array optional filter results using various filter objects

The resultant account must meet ALL filter criteria to be included in the returned results

  • encoding string optional Encoding format for Account data Values: base58``base64``base64+zstd``jsonParsed
    • base58 is slow.
    • jsonParsed encoding attempts to use program-specific state parsers to return more human-readable and explicit account state data
    • If jsonParsed is requested but a parser cannot be found, the field falls back to binary encoding, detectable when the datafield is typestring.


<integer> - Subscription id (needed to unsubscribe)

Code sample

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "programSubscribe",
"params": [
"encoding": "base64",
"commitment": "finalized"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "programSubscribe",
"params": [
"encoding": "jsonParsed"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "programSubscribe",
"params": [
"encoding": "base64",
"filters": [
"dataSize": 80


{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 24040, "id": 1 }

Notification format

The notification format is a single program account object as seen in the getProgramAccounts RPC HTTP method.

Base58 encoding:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "programNotification",
"params": {
"result": {
"context": {
"slot": 5208469
"value": {
"pubkey": "H4vnBqifaSACnKa7acsxstsY1iV1bvJNxsCY7enrd1hq",
"account": {
"data": [
"executable": false,
"lamports": 33594,
"owner": "11111111111111111111111111111111",
"rentEpoch": 636,
"space": 80
"subscription": 24040

Parsed-JSON encoding:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "programNotification",
"params": {
"result": {
"context": {
"slot": 5208469
"value": {
"pubkey": "H4vnBqifaSACnKa7acsxstsY1iV1bvJNxsCY7enrd1hq",
"account": {
"data": {
"program": "nonce",
"parsed": {
"type": "initialized",
"info": {
"authority": "Bbqg1M4YVVfbhEzwA9SpC9FhsaG83YMTYoR4a8oTDLX",
"blockhash": "LUaQTmM7WbMRiATdMMHaRGakPtCkc2GHtH57STKXs6k",
"feeCalculator": {
"lamportsPerSignature": 5000
"executable": false,
"lamports": 33594,
"owner": "11111111111111111111111111111111",
"rentEpoch": 636,
"space": 80
"subscription": 24040