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Choose Your Tasks

NOW Choose your Tasks

Update the TASKS field with the task IDs you want to run, separated by commas, no space between! A full list of Tasks and their details (i.e. min stakes) is found here.

A full list of Tasks can be found HERE

Update TASK_STAKES field with the minimum or greater stake amounts corresponding to each task in TASKS, separated by commas.

Set INITIAL_STAKING_WALLET_BALANCE to the amount of KOII you want in the Staking wallet. This should be greater than the SUM of all TASK_STAKES + 1 KOII for covering gas.

  • Add any specific task variables required for the tasks at the end of the file.

After you enter a task Id that needs your information, you can add them as environment variables, please add them under the SCRAPING_URL="" for example: TWITTER_USERNAME=""

Multi-task example
TASKS="AXcd6MctmDUQo3XDeBNa4NBAi4tfBYDpt4Adxyai3Do3, AXcd6MctmDUQo3XDeBNa4NBAi4tfBYDpt4Adxyai3Do3"

Remember this must be less than 1 KOII of what you will have in your Main wallet (i.e. you set TASK_STAKES=2,2 and INITIAL_STAKING_WALLET_BALANCE= 5 then you must have in your main wallet 6 KOII so there is enough for covering gas)

Ctrl/Command +S = Save
Ctrl/Command +X = Exit

Install dependencies

  • Ensure Koii CLI is Installed. Documentation here

  • Wallet setup (Set up New Koii Public Key/New wallet) Documentation here


Don't forget to run this after installing CLI

koii config set --url
koii balance

It will show: "Error: Dynamic program error: No default signer found, run "koii-keygen new -o ....." to create a new one" Please copy the command from the "" which is automatically generated path, as that will set the wallet keys in the correct place. It will usually look like this:

koii-keygen new -o /YOUR-USER/.config/koii/id.json

To improve security, the system wants you to set up BIP39 Passphrase - an additional layer for securing your account, please fill it in. SAVE the generated SEED PHRASE in order for you to recover your funds later!

Check what is your Wallet address and Transfer some KOII in it! at least 4 KOII to launch your first Free Token Task

koii address

To get started Koii Foundation has created a Koii Faucet in order to receive the first KOII - start from here