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Task Core Logic

The main function of this task will involve submitting 'Hello, World!' together with a user's Ethereum wallet address to IPFS and sending the corresponding CID as proof of work done to K2.

Update Dependency Imports

Navigate to the task/submission.js file, and update the dependency imports as follows:

const { namespaceWrapper } = require('@_koii/namespace-wrapper');
//const { Web3Storage, File } = require('');
// const storageClient = new Web3Storage({
// token: process.env.SECRET_WEB3_STORAGE_KEY,
// });
const nodeEthAddress = process.env.RECIPIENT_ADDRESS;
const {makeFileFromObjectWithName, storeFiles} = require("../helpers");

Task Main Logic

Still in task/submission.js file, replace the default task() method with the code below:

  async task(round) {
try {
const value = 'Hello, World!';
// Create a submission object with the value and nodeEthAddress
const submission = {

// Convert the submission object into a Blob for structured data
const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(submission)], {
type: 'application/json',

// Create a File containing the Blob with a specified filename
// const files = [new File([blob], 'submission.json')];
const files = [makeFileFromObjectWithName({blob,'submission.json' })]
// Upload to IPFS
//const cid = await storageClient.put(files);
const cid = storeFiles(files)
console.log('stored files with cid:', cid);

// Check if the CID was obtained
if (cid) {
// Store the CID under the 'value' key using namespaceWrapper
await namespaceWrapper.storeSet('value', cid);

return cid;
} catch (err) {
console.log('ERROR IN EXECUTING TASK', err);

Here's a breakdown of the code's functionality:

  • The submission object is created, consisting of:

    • value: This is set to a default value 'Hello, World!', which can be replaced with actual data.
    • nodeEthAddress: The node's Ethereum address which will be injected as an environment variable.
  • The submission object is transformed into a Blob which is then used to create a File named submission.json.