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getBlockProduction RPC Method

Returns recent block production information from the current or previous epoch.


object optional Configuration object containing the following fields:

  • commitment string optional
  • identity string optional Only return results for this validator identity (base-58 encoded)
  • range object optional Slot range to return block production for. If parameter not provided, defaults to current epoch.
    • firstSlot: <u64> - first slot to return block production information for (inclusive)
    • (optional) lastSlot: <u64> - last slot to return block production information for (inclusive). If parameter not provided, defaults to the highest slot


The result will be an RpcResponse JSON object with value equal to:

  • <object>
    • byIdentity: <object> - a dictionary of validator identities, as base-58 encoded strings. Value is a two element array containing the number of leader slots and the number of blocks produced.
    • range: <object> - Block production slot range
      • firstSlot: <u64> - first slot of the block production information (inclusive)
      • lastSlot: <u64> - last slot of block production information (inclusive)

Code sample

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1, "method":"getBlockProduction"}


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"context": {
"slot": 9887
"value": {
"byIdentity": {
"85iYT5RuzRTDgjyRa3cP8SYhM2j21fj7NhfJ3peu1DPr": [9888, 9886]
"range": {
"firstSlot": 0,
"lastSlot": 9887
"id": 1