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getInflationReward RPC Method

Returns the inflation / staking reward for a list of addresses for an epoch


array optional An array of addresses to query, as base-58 encoded strings

object optional Configuration object containing the following fields:

  • commitment string optional An epoch for which the reward occurs. If omitted, the previous epoch will be used
  • minContextSlot number optional The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at


The result field will be a JSON array with the following fields:

  • epoch: <u64> - epoch for which reward occurred
  • effectiveSlot: <u64> - the slot in which the rewards are effective
  • amount: <u64> - reward amount in lamports
  • postBalance: <u64> - post balance of the account in lamports
  • commission: <u8|undefined> - vote account commission when the reward was credited

Code sample

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "getInflationReward",
"params": [
{"epoch": 2}


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"amount": 2500,
"effectiveSlot": 224,
"epoch": 2,
"postBalance": 499999442500
"id": 1