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Helper Functions for Koii Middleman Server


The Koii Middleman Server template provides a set of helper functions to streamline the processing of tasks. These functions are designed to simplify common operations such as fetching task data, queuing submissions, and handling task rounds efficiently. By leveraging these helper functions, developers can focus on building the core functionality of their middleman servers without worrying about the underlying details.

Helper Functions​


Here’s a detailed explanation of the provided getTaskData function in markdown format:

const { Connection, PublicKey } = require("@_koii/web3.js");
  • Connection: Establishes a connection to the Koii network.
  • PublicKey: Represents the public key of the task account.


This asynchronous function retrieves the latest task data from the Koii network. It checks for new rounds of submissions and returns relevant data if a new round is found.


  • taskID: The unique identifier for the task, typically loaded from environment variables.
  • round: The current round number that the server is tracking.

Function Workflow​

  1. Establish Connection:

    const connection = new Connection("");
    • A connection to the Koii testnet is established using the Connection class.
  2. Retrieve Latest Task Data:

    async function getLatestTaskData() {
    const accountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo(new PublicKey(taskID));
    taskState = JSON.parse(;
    submissionList = [];
    maxRound = Math.max(...Object.keys(taskState.submissions).map(Number));
    • The getLatestTaskData function fetches the latest account information for the given taskID.
    • The data is parsed, and the maxRound is determined by finding the highest round number in the submissions.
    Need other data?

    taskState contains all the data associated with the task account, including the round time, submissions, and other relevant information.

    For example, to access the stakingList:

    let stakingList = taskState.stake_list;
    return stakingList;
  3. Check for New Round:

if (round < maxRound) {
console.log(`A new round, ${maxRound} has been detected.`);
console.log("Waiting 2 Minutes for the potential submission period.");
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 600));
console.log("2 Minutes has passed, re-starting the operation.");
await getLatestTaskData();
} else {
return false;
  • If a new round (maxRound) is detected, the function waits for 2 minutes before re-fetching the data.
  • If no new round is found, the function returns false.
  1. Return Task Data:
    return {
    submissions: submissionList,
    maxRound: maxRound,
    roundTime: taskState.round_time,
    • The function returns an object containing:
      • submissions: A list of all submission values in the latest round.
      • maxRound: The highest round number detected.
      • roundTime: The time associated with each round.


module.exports = getTaskData;
  • The getTaskData function is exported for use in other parts of the application.


Here’s a detailed explanation of the provided functions in markdown format:


const axios = require("axios");
const { KoiiStorageClient } = require("@_koii/storage-task-sdk");
const storageClient = new KoiiStorageClient(undefined, undefined, false);
  • axios: A promise-based HTTP client used to make requests to the IPFS gateway.
  • KoiiStorageClient: A client from the Koii IPFS SDK.

Function: fetchCidFromGetFile(cid, fileName)​

This asynchronous function fetches a file from IPFS using the Koii Storage Client and returns the parsed JSON data.

  • cid: The Content Identifier (CID) of the file stored on IPFS.
  • fileName: The name of the file to fetch from IPFS.


  1. Fetch File:

    const blob = await storageClient.getFile(cid, fileName);
    • Uses the KoiiStorageClient to fetch the file as a Blob object.
  2. Convert and Parse:

    const text = await blob.text();
    const data = JSON.parse(text);
    • Converts the Blob to text and parses it into JSON format.
  3. Error Handling:

    } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Failed for CID ${cid}: ${error.message}`);
    return null;
    • Logs an error message and returns null if the fetch fails.

Function: directFetchCid(cid, fileName)​

This function directly fetches data from an IPFS gateway using Axios and returns the data if successful.

  • cid: The Content Identifier (CID) of the file on IPFS.
  • fileName: The name of the file to fetch from IPFS.


  1. HTTP Request:

    const response = await axios.get(
    timeout: 530000,
    • Sends an HTTP GET request to the IPFS gateway to fetch the file.
  2. Response Handling:

    if (response.status === 200 || response.status === 304) {
    return =>;
    • If the response status is 200 (OK) or 304 (Not Modified), the function returns the parsed data.
  3. Error Handling:

    } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Failed for CID ${cid}: ${error.message}`);
    return null;
    • Logs an error message and returns null if the request fails.

Combined Export Function​

module.exports = async (cid, fileName, maxRetries = 2, retryDelay = 3000) => {
const data = await fetchCidFromGetFile(cid, fileName);
if (data) {
return data;

const dataDirect = await directFetchCid(cid, fileName);
if (dataDirect) {
return dataDirect;