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Function Overview: Main Task Data Fetching and Processing


const getTaskData = require("./helpers/getTaskData");
const { queueCID } = require("./queue");
  • getTaskData: A helper function that retrieves task data based on the provided taskId and round.
  • queueCID: A function responsible for handling submissions by queuing them for further processing. Include read data from IPFS and write data to MongoDB.
  • dotenv: Used to load environment variables from a .env file.


let round = 0;
const taskId = process.env.TASK_ID;
  • round: Tracks the current round of task data being processed, initialized to 0.
  • taskId: The ID of the task, loaded from environment variables.

Main Function

async function main() {
const getTaskDataWrapper = async (taskId, round) => {
let wrappedTaskData = await getTaskData(taskId, round);
if (wrappedTaskData === false) {
console.log("No new round found. Retrying in 60 seconds...");
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 60000));
return await getTaskDataWrapper(taskId, round);
} else {
return wrappedTaskData;

const taskData = await getTaskDataWrapper(taskId, round);

if (round < taskData.maxRound) {
round = taskData.maxRound;
console.log("Current round is", round, "...");
const submissionList = taskData.submissions;
const tweetList = await queueCID(submissionList);

console.log("Operation complete, calling the function again.");
} else {
const roundTimeInMS = taskData.roundTime * 408;
"No new round... Checking again in",
(roundTimeInMS / 60000).toFixed(2),
setTimeout(main, roundTimeInMS);



This script continuously fetches task data from the Koii network, processes submissions, and handles rounds.

  1. getTaskDataWrapper: A recursive function that keeps trying to fetch task data until a new round is detected.

    • If no new round is found, it waits for 60 seconds before retrying.
    • Once new data is found, it returns the task data.
  2. main():

    • Calls getTaskDataWrapper to get the latest task data.
    • If the current round is less than the maximum round (taskData.maxRound), it updates the round variable and processes the submissions by queuing them with queueCID.
    • If the round hasn't updated, it calculates the next check time based on taskData.roundTime and retries after that interval.
    • The process repeats indefinitely by recursively calling main().


The script is initiated by calling main(), which enters a loop of fetching, processing, and waiting for new task data.


  • The script is designed to handle long-running processes and automatically retries until new task data is available.
  • Each round time unit is approximately 408 milliseconds, which is used to calculate waiting times between rounds.