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Filesystem Access

The File System Access API allows read, write and file management capabilities.

This API allows interaction with files on a user's local device or user-accessible network file system. The core functionality of this API includes reading files, writing or saving files, and accessing the directory structure.

Most interaction with files and directories is accomplished with fsPromises methods from the namespace wrapper class. The available fsPromises methods on the namespace wrapper class include fs, fsStaking, fsWriteStream, and fsReadStream.

fs Method

The fs method is a useful utility that accepts three arguments:

  • method: This refers to the fsPromise method that you want to call.
  • path: The path for the express call is relevant to the specific fsPromise method call.
  • ...args: Any additional parameters that may be required for the fsPromise call.
async fs(method, path, ...args) {
// return Promise<any>

Example usage of the fs function is demonstrated below, showcasing the creation of a new directory, copying a file, and creating a new file:

const { namespaceWrapper } = require('@_koii/namespace-wrapper');

await namespaceWrapper.fs("mkdir", `uploads`, {
recursive: true,

await namespaceWrapper.fs("copyFile", `uploads/handler.js`, `utils/handler.js`);

await namespaceWrapper.fs("writeFile", `uploads/handler.js`);

fsStaking Method

The fsStaking method takes in three arguments:

  • method: The fsPromise method to call
  • path: The path for the express call
  • ...args: Any remaining parameters for the FS call
async fsStaking(method, path, ...args) {
// return Promise<any>

fsWriteStream Method

The fsWriteStream method accepts one argument:

  • imagepath: A string representing the image path.
  async fsWriteStream(imagepath: string) {
const basePath = 'namespace/' + this.taskTxId;
await fsPromises.mkdir(basePath, { recursive: true }).catch(console.error);
const image = basePath + '/' + imagepath;
const writer = fs.createWriteStream(image);
return writer;

fsReadStream Method

The fsReadStream method accepts one argument:

  • imagepath: A string to the image path
  async fsReadStream(imagepath: string) {
const basePath = 'namespace/' + this.taskTxId;
await fsPromises.mkdir(basePath, { recursive: true }).catch(console.error);
const image = basePath + imagepath;
const file = fs.readFileSync(image);
return file;

In the provided examples, the fs method is employed to call various fsPromise methods such as mkdir, copyFile, and writeFile. Each method receives parameters that specify the relevant paths and options needed for the corresponding operations. This abstraction streamlines and consolidates file system interactions within the Koii task, enhancing the convenience and simplicity of managing file-related tasks.

Additionally, the fsStaking method, fsWriteStream method, and fsReadStream method are implemented to facilitate file system interactions within the Koii task. These methods enable operations like staking tokens, creating write streams, and reading streams from the file system. This approach ensures efficient management of file-related tasks, catering to the specific requirements of each operation. As a result, developers benefit from a cohesive and coherent approach to handling file system tasks while developing Koii tasks, promoting effective and streamlined development processes.