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NeDB is a key-value storage library that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values. Embedded persistent or in-memory database for Node.js, nw.js, Electron and browsers, 100% JavaScript, no binary dependency.

The namespaceWrapper class provides some methods that use NeDB's insert(key,value) and findOne(key) basic operations for storing and retrieving data respectively.

Setup explained

This code is setting up a wrapper class for a NeDB database using the nedb-promises library. The nedb-promises library is a version of NeDB with Promises support, which makes it easier to work with asynchronous operations.


constructor() {
this.db = Datastore.create(path);
this.db = Datastore.create(`../namespace/${TASK_ID}/KOIILevelDB.db`);
this.db = Datastore.create('./localKOIIDB.db');

It will connect to the database using namespaceWrapper function if the task is administered by a task node, otherwise it will connect to a local database.


The getDB method is used to obtain the instance of your database object. This instance can be utilized for more customized database operations tailored to your specific needs. Usage example:

const { namespaceWrapper } = require('@_koii/namespace-wrapper');

const db = await namespaceWrapper.getDB();


This is the namespace wrapper call for NeDB insert method

async storeGet(key) {
try {
console.log({ [key]: value, key });
await this.db.insert({ [key]: value, key });
} catch (e) {
return undefined;

Usage example:

await namespaceWrapper.storeSet("round", "-1"); // store data
const round_task = await namespaceWrapper.storeGet("round"); // retrieve data with key
console.log("ROUND OF TASK SET TO", round_task);

You can prevent duplicate entries in NeDB by creating a unique index on the field(s) that should be unique. Here's a simple example:

const db = await namespaceWrapper.getDB();

// Ensure index
db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: "uniqueField", unique: true }, function (err) {
if (err) console.log(err); // If there are duplicate values when you apply the unique index, you'll get an error.


This is the namespace wrapper call for levelDB findOne method

async storeGet(key): Promise<string> {
try {
const resp = await this.db.findOne({ key: key });
if (resp) {
return resp[key];
} else {
return null;
} catch (e) {
return null;

Usage example:

async function execute() {
console.log("ROUND", await namespaceWrapper.storeGet("round"));

Setup more functions in your task

You can add more functions to your task by adding them to the namespaceWrapper class or create your db-model file, just make sure it's calling the db model from namespaceWrapper. For example, if you want to get a list of objects, you can add a function like this:

const { namespaceWrapper } = require('@_koii/namespace-wrapper');

const db = await namespaceWrapper.getDB();
// return items by name
async getList() {
const itemList = await db.find({});
return => value.item);


const datadb = require("./db-model");

let testlist = await datadb.getList();
console.log("test list is ", testlist);