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NeDB Storage

NeDB is a key-value storage library that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values. It is an embedded persistent or in-memory database for Node.js, nw.js, Electron, and browsers. Written in 100% JavaScript with no binary dependencies.


The Namespace Wrapper provides a standardized interface to NeDB, ensuring consistent data handling.

Core Database Operations

Getting Database Instance

import { namespaceWrapper } from "@_koii/namespace-wrapper";

// Getting Database Instance
const db: any = await namespaceWrapper.getDB(); // Type it based on the actual database interface

Storing Data

await namespaceWrapper.storeSet("userCount", "42");
await namespaceWrapper.storeSet(
taskName: "ImageProcessing",
version: "1.0.0",
settings: { maxRetries: 3, timeout: 5000 },

Retrieving Data

const count: string | null = await namespaceWrapper.storeGet("userCount");
console.log("User count:", count);

const configStr: string | null = await namespaceWrapper.storeGet("config");
const config = JSON.parse(configStr!);
console.log("Task name:", config.taskName);

Advanced Database Operations

Querying Data

const db: any = await namespaceWrapper.getDB();
const allDocs = await db.find({});
const activeTasks = await db.find({ status: "active" });
const task = await db.findOne({ taskId: "123" });

Inserting Data

await db.insert({ taskId: "123", status: "active", timestamp: });
await db.insert([
{ taskId: "124", status: "pending" },
{ taskId: "125", status: "completed" },

Updating Data

await db.update({ taskId: "123" }, { $set: { status: "completed" } });
await db.update(
{ status: "pending" },
{ $set: { status: "active" } },
{ multi: true },

Removing Data

await db.remove({ taskId: "123" });
await db.remove({ status: "completed" }, { multi: true });


try {
const db = await namespaceWrapper.getDB();

// Ensure 'taskId' is indexed and unique
await db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: "taskId", unique: true });

// Ensure 'status' is indexed (not unique)
await db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: "status" });

console.log("Indexes successfully created!");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error creating indexes:", error);

Best Practices

Error Handling

try {
await namespaceWrapper.storeSet("key", "value");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Database operation failed:", error);

Data Validation

function validateData(data: { taskId: string }) {
if (!data.taskId || typeof data.taskId !== "string") {
throw new Error("Invalid taskId");

try {
const data = { taskId: "123" };
await db.insert(data);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Validation failed:", error);

Atomic Operations

await db.update({ counter: { $lt: 10 } }, { $inc: { counter: 1 } });

Indexing Strategy

await db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: "timestamp" });
await db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: "taskId", status: 1 });

Common Patterns

Caching Results

let cachedData: any[] | null = null;
let cacheTimestamp: number = 0;

async function getCachedData(): Promise<any[]> {
const now =;
if (!cachedData || now - cacheTimestamp > 60000) {
cachedData = await db.find({ status: "active" });
cacheTimestamp = now;
return cachedData;

Batch Operations

async function batchInsert(records: any[]): Promise<void> {
const batchSize = 100;
for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i += batchSize) {
const batch = records.slice(i, i + batchSize);
await db.insert(batch);

Data Migration

async function migrateData(): Promise<void> {
const oldRecords = await db.find({ version: "1.0" });
for (const record of oldRecords) {
const newRecord = transformRecord(record);
await db.update({ _id: record._id }, { $set: newRecord });


Database Corruption

async function repairDatabase(): Promise<void> {
const db: any = await namespaceWrapper.getDB();
await db.loadDatabase();
console.log("Database reloaded");

Performance Issues

const startTime =;
const results = await db.find({});
const duration = - startTime;
if (duration > 100) {
console.warn(`Slow query detected: ${duration}ms`);

Next Steps

To learn more about specific features, check out these guides: