Task Status
A task's state can be retrieved using the namespace methods.
getTaskState or getTaskStateById
Retrieves the state of the task
- options: Configuration options for state retrieval
const option = {
is_submission_required?: boolean,
is_distribution_required?: boolean,
is_available_balances_required?: boolean,
is_stake_list_required?: boolean
}; -
Outputs: Task state object or
Example Usage of getTaskState
// Data will be included if true, otherwise not shown even if fields are present.
const state = await namespaceWrapper.getTaskState({
is_submission_required: true,
is_distribution_required: true,
is_available_balances_required: true,
is_stake_list_required: true,
console.log(state); // check the The task state object below
Example Usage of getTaskStateById
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
import { namespaceWrapper, TASK_ID } from "@_koii/namespace-wrapper";
const taskType: string = "KOII" // if it KPL then use "KPL"
const state: any = await namespaceWrapper.getTaskStateById(TASK_ID, taskType, {
is_submission_required: true,
is_distribution_required: true,
is_available_balances_required: true,
is_stake_list_required: true,
console.log(state); // check the The task state object below
const { namespaceWrapper, TASK_ID } = require("@_koii/namespace-wrapper");
const taskType = "KOII" // if it KPL then use "KPL"
const state = await namespaceWrapper.getTaskStateById(TASK_ID, taskType, {
is_submission_required: true,
is_distribution_required: true,
is_available_balances_required: true,
is_stake_list_required: true,
console.log(state); // check the The task state object below
The task state object below
A task's state can be retrieved using the namespace methods. It returns an object containing information about the task.
The task state object:
Key | Description |
is_allowlisted | Boolean value to show if the task is allowlisted |
task_name | The name of the task |
task_description | The description of the task |
task_manager | The public key of the task creator in uint8 format |
is_active | Boolean value to show if the task is active |
task_audit_program | The IPFS CID / Arweave ID pointing to the JavaScript executable file of the task |
stake_pot_account | Account to which all the stakes go |
submissions | The values submitted to K2; it also includes the round and slots in which a submission was made |
submissions_audit_trigger | Includes the submission value for a raised audit, also shows who audited it, who submitted the value and the submission value |
total_bounty_amount | Total KOII added by the task creator to be distributed amongst the nodes |
bounty_amount_per_round | KOII to be rewarded per round, this cannot be more than total_bounty_amount |
total_stake_amount | Sum of all the stakes by the nodes running the task |
minimum_stake_amount | Minimum KOII required to run the task |
available_balances | List of pending rewards of nodes that are available to be claimed |
stake_list | Object of staker publicKey mapped with the amount they staked |
ip_address_list | Static IPs of the nodes that are running the current task |
round_time | The total number of slots it takes for each period of the current task |
starting_slot | The slot at which the task is created |
audit_window | Total number of slots given for nodes to perform audit |
submission_window | Total number of slots given for nodes to complete submission |
task_executable_network | Either IPFS/DEVELOPMENT/ARWEAVE. It specifies the location to fetch the task executable, if "DEVELOPMENT", then it assumes the task_audit_program (executable file) is on the task creator's local device |
distribution_rewards_submission | Tracks all the distribution submissions submitted to K2 for each round |
distributions_audit_trigger | Tracks all the audits raised in each round for distribution submissions in the respective rounds |
distributions_audit_record | Records of payout statuses for the latest finished rounds containing Uninitialized , PayoutSuccessful , and PayoutFailed statuses. |
task_metadata | IPFS CID containing metadata for the task |
task_vars | not used |
koii_vars | not used |
is_migrated | Boolean to show the state of migration, if true then migrated_to will have the new address |
migrated_to | New task Id to which the task is migrated |
allowed_failed_distributions | The number of failed distributions allowed |
task_id | task_id |
Task state sample:
taskName: 'Arweave Verifier',
taskManager: 'FnQm11NXJxPSjza3fuhuQ6Cu4fKNqdaPkVSRyLSWf14d',
is_allowlisted: true,
isActive: true,
taskAuditProgram: 'bafybeihjtsyty2sjmhriyvqlwxdldz2jkoyjr5pnko3t7jyais4kpgcdhm',
stakePotAccount: 'stakepotaccounti1drd3maNYcUgyohxwjfNVskco5v',
totalBountyAmount: 43635761521266,
bountyAmountPerRound: 1000000000000,
currentRound: undefined,
availableBalances: [Object],
stakeList: [Object],
startingSlot: 7603543,
isRunning: false,
hasError: false,
metadataCID: 'bafybeiek6a3ymp6xa3wluetm6v6qwsays6swhs4hihg4uzn4h2frqmzsui',
minimumStakeAmount: 1900000000,
roundTime: 6000,
submissions: [Object],
distributionsAuditTrigger: [Object],
submissionsAuditTrigger: {},
isMigrated: false,
migratedTo: '',
distributionRewardsSubmission: [Object]
Gets the task node version
- Outputs: Version string
- Example Usage:
const version = await namespaceWrapper.getTaskNodeVersion();
console.log(version); // Output: "1.11.19";
Retrieves submission information for the task
- Inputs: round: number (current round number)
- Outputs: Submission state
- Example Usage and Output:
// Successful retrieval with multiple submissions
const submissionInfo = await namespaceWrapper.getTaskSubmissionInfo(1);
console.log(JSON.stringify(submissionInfo, null, 2));
// Output:
submissions: SubmissionsPerRound
submissions_audit_trigger: Record<string, Record<string, AuditTriggerState>>
// Error case (no submissions yet)
const emptySubmissionInfo = await namespaceWrapper.getTaskSubmissionInfo(10);
// Output: or throw error because not found
"submissions": {},
"submissions_audit_trigger": {}
// Error case (network error)
try {
const info = await namespaceWrapper.getTaskSubmissionInfo(3);
} catch (error) {
Gets distribution information for the task
- Input: round number (current round number)
- Outputs: Distribution info
- Example Usage:
try {
const round = 1; // current the round number
const distributionInfo = await getTaskDistributionInfo(round);
console.log("Distribution Info:", distributionInfo);
// Expected output:
// Distribution Info: {
// distribution_rewards_submission: SubmissionsPerRound
// distributions_audit_trigger: Record<string, Record<string, AuditTriggerState>>
// distributions_audit_record: Record<
// string,
// 'Uninitialized' | 'PayoutSuccessful' | 'PayoutFailed'
// >
// }
} catch (error) {
Next Steps
To learn more about specific features, check out these guides:
- Network/Task Handling - Manage network data and tasks.
- Audit and Distribution - Manage network data and tasks.